Kamala Kalyani Maddali

Kamala Kalyani Maddali is recognized internationally as a champion of patient advocacy, precision medicine, cancer research, AI and digital technology. She held senior leadership roles at Fortune-100 companies and was named by PharmaVOICE as one of the “top-100 most inspiring people in life sciences”. Kamala is a clinically trained veterinarian who holds a doctorate in veterinary medicine from India and a doctorate in pharmacology from the USA. Whenever possible, Kamala wants to ensure the patient’s voice is heard, and she strives to provide every patient with powerful tools from science and innovation in order to improve global community health.
Kamala is an advisory board member for several US/International-based patient advocacy associations including Paltown, Cancer NJ, Love Heals Cancer, Indo-US Rare disease organization and Adira Foundation. Kamala has received many awards for the empowerment of women in healthcare from various organizations in the USA and has served as a Vice Chair for the Women in Bio (WIB) Philadelphia chapter. As a member of Forbes Business Council in 2020, Kamala is commended for her distinguished leadership in the healthcare industry. In 2021, Kamala was awarded Pharma Voice 2021 Top 100 Most Inspiring Leaders in the Life Sciences and Healthcare Industry. This award is a prestigious and honorable recognition for leaders, mentors, and visionaries in Life Sciences who inspire change across their organizations, including Fortune 100 and 500 companies.